Information for parents/caregivers

Did you know that there is extra food for children that are going to school?

That’s what the School Meals Programme provides. Here you can find more information about the programme.
Life keeps getting more expensive. The School Meals Programme supports parents/caregivers of children who to primary and secondary schools. It is for children and youth that could use some extra food. The goal is that they get enough and a variety of food.
een schoolklas met fruit op tafel en 2 mannen in nette kleding voor een digibord.

How can my children take part?

The School Meals Programme is working together with schools to reach as many families as possible.
The schools register.
They choose from one of the two options:
  1. Meals at school
  2. Grocery cards for parents/caregivers
Only the school can register for the school meals programme. As a parent/caregiver, you cannot register yourself for the programme.
You can read more about how the programme works here: